Football Study Programme Try-Outs
If you are 16-18 years old (16s - Year 11 at school), come along and meet our coaches and get a feel of the football programme element to the course.
Location- Feel Good Too Centre, Ive Farm Lane (1 Pavilion Walk, London E10 5UE)
This is an outdoor, practical session, so please wear / bring appropriate kit and Astroturf boots-no studs allowed. There will be no changing facilities available only public toilets. Please try to arrive a little early to register.
Parking available via Orient Way-main entrance to site.
Trials will be held during holidays.
Time for all try outs: 9:30am-11.30am
Apply online for the college programme by typing Sport Leyton in the Find Your Perfect Course search bar, via this link: Once you have applied, we will invite you along to any events we host.